Monday, March 8, 2010

Moka Pot or Stove Top Coffee Pot - What's The Difference?

Wikipedia definition as follows:-Moka Pots also known as stove top espresso makers, are similar to espresso machines in that they brew under pressure and the resulting brew shares some similarities, but in other respects differ. As such, their characterization as "espresso" machines is at times contentious, but due to their use of pressure and steam for brewing, comparable to all espresso prior to the 1948 Gaggia, they are accepted within broader uses of the term, but distinguished from standard modern espresso machines.

Moka pots are similar to espresso machines in that they brew under pressure, produce coffee with an extraction ratio similar to that of a conventional espresso machine, and, depending on bean variety and grind selection, Moka pots can create the same foam emulsion known as crema that conventional espresso machines can.

Moka pots differ from espresso machines in that they brew under substantially lower pressure – 1.5 bars rather than 9 bars – and use hotter water – a mix of boiling water and steam at above 100°C (rather than 92°–96° of espresso machines), similar to early steam brewing machines.

Moka pots are widely agreed to produce inferior quality brewing to espresso machines, due to brewing at excess heat and insufficient pressure, but are considerably cheaper and more convenient than espresso machines, and the quality of brew is prized and preferred by many over unpressurized brewing.
To read the full definition at Wikipedia - Click Here....

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  1. I actually have a Moka Pot and thought that the flavor wasn't bad at all! I never knew any of the scientific analysis regarding it, so thanks for the detailed explanation!

  2. Thanks for sharing and you are welcome Neal. I really appreciate you commenting on my post.
    I too am still learning about coffee and the accessories used with coffee making.

  3. This is a great article, filled with details, I for one appreciate that about any topic.

    Good one Urzay!

  4. Cheers - I do my best to find good content and post it for all!
