Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fresh Roasted Coffee Brisbane Australia Interview Video

An interview of me by Rob Smith of - Where I am in Australia and Rob in the US on a Skype call Interview about the decision made previously to make 12second video commercials using a free program called 12seconds Rob interviews me about my coffee business and the idea of putting together a quick 12 second video ad as I talk about Fresh Roasted Coffee Brisbane QLD Australia 4000- It is delivered fresh to you from the Roaster's warehouse here check it out


Fresh Roasted Coffee Online YUMMY on

Urzay G is owner of Take The Plunge and has a great interest in Coffee, Coffee Recipes including Instant Coffee Recipes and other coffee related topics. We like to report any new findings such as this post from a couple of weeks ago 'Become a Coffee Drinker - Reduce The Chance of Stroke'
If you're a coffee drinker in Oz - Check out variety of coffee beans or blends which are available to you here - and enjoy Fresh Roasted Coffee delivered to you direct form the roaster's warehouse. 

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Delicious Instant Coffee Recipes

This Week I would like to give you a little treat rather than more information - I thought to myself  hmmm my readers haven't had recipes for a while and since not everybody has the pleasure of having Fresh Roasted Organic Coffee on hand I decided to share some Instant Coffee Recipes with you - So Drink up and Enjoy

**Viennese Coffee**
2/3 cup dry Instant coffee
2/3 cup sugar
3/4 cup powdered non-dairy creamer
1/2 tsp cinnamon
dash each of ground allspice, cloves, and nutmeg.

Mix all ingredients & store in an air tight jar.
To make up - mix 4 tsp of mixture with one cup hot water.
Makes 20 Servings


**West Indies Coffee** (with Brown Sugar-yum)

3 and 1/2 Cups Milk
1/4 Cup Instant coffee
1/4 Cup Brown sugar
1 Dessertspoon Salt

Bring milk just to boiling.
Pour over coffee, brown sugar, and salt, stirring to dissolve.
Serve in mugs.
Makes 4 - 5 servings.


**Cinnamon Spiced Coffee**

1/3 Cup Instant coffee
3 Tablespoons Sugar
8 Whole cloves
3 Inches stick cinnamon
3 Cups Water
Whipped Cream
Ground Cinnamon

Combine instant coffee, sugar, cloves, stick cinnamon, and water.
Cover, bring to boiling.
Remove from heat and let stand covered, about 5 minutes to steep.
Pour into cups and top each with spoonful of whipped cream; dash lightly
with cinnamon.
Fun to serve with cinnamon sticks as muddlers.
Makes 4 - 6 servings.

Urzay G is owner of Take The Plunge and has a great interest in Coffee, Coffee Recipes including Instant Coffee Recipes and other coffee related topics. We like to report any new findings such as this post from a couple of weeks ago 'Become a Coffee Drinker - Reduce The Chance of Stroke'
If you're a coffee drinker in Oz - Check out variety of coffee beans which are available to you here - and enjoy Fresh Roasted Coffee delivered to you direct form the roaster's warehouse.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Become a Coffee Drinker - Reduce The Chance of Stroke

Recently, studies have found - if you're a regular coffee drinker - it appears to have a reduced risk of a stroke.

Ed Edelson states in
HealthDay Reporter

THURSDAY, Feb. 25 (HealthDay News) - "The study of 23,000 men and women who were followed for an average of 12 years found that "self-reported coffee consumption was inversely related to stroke risk," said study leader Yangmei Li, an epidemiologist at the University of Cambridge in England."

The overall view shows, people who reported they are a coffee drinker of any amount - had a 27 percent lower risk of stroke than those who said they never drank the black beverage, as per the researchers report. Drinking coffee more frequently and more of it, than usual - was not associated with a greater reduction in stroke risk.

Yangmei Li said "This association was in subgroup analysis stratified by sex, age, social class, educational level, smoking status, alcohol drinking, tea drinking, physical activity, plasma vitamin C and diabetes status."

A professor of epidemiology at the Medical University of South Carolina and a spokesman for the American Stroke Association is - Daniel Lackland - he says that the new research that this confirms earlier findings but not groundbreaking - however it is consistent with other studies that have looked at reduced stroke risks from drinking coffee.

Type 2 diabetes is lowered - which is a main factor in a stroke - basically - if you drink coffee it will help reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes - which in turn help reduce the chance of a stroke and heart disease. From what we know the actual studies have not been done to get true results - mostly taken on reports on an individual level of comments and results with their coffee consumption

Lackland further added "There has been no study designed to produce the kind of evidence needed to make recommendations."

More Information available at:-
American Heart Association

Urzay G is owner of Take The Plunge and has a great interest in coffee and coffee related topics. We like to report any new findings such as this Become a Coffee Drinker - Reduce The Chance of Stroke.
If you're a coffee drinker in Oz - Check out variety of coffee beans here - and enjoy Fresh Roasted Coffee delivered to you!

Moka Pot or Stove Top Coffee Pot - What's The Difference?

Wikipedia definition as follows:-Moka Pots also known as stove top espresso makers, are similar to espresso machines in that they brew under pressure and the resulting brew shares some similarities, but in other respects differ. As such, their characterization as "espresso" machines is at times contentious, but due to their use of pressure and steam for brewing, comparable to all espresso prior to the 1948 Gaggia, they are accepted within broader uses of the term, but distinguished from standard modern espresso machines.

Moka pots are similar to espresso machines in that they brew under pressure, produce coffee with an extraction ratio similar to that of a conventional espresso machine, and, depending on bean variety and grind selection, Moka pots can create the same foam emulsion known as crema that conventional espresso machines can.

Moka pots differ from espresso machines in that they brew under substantially lower pressure – 1.5 bars rather than 9 bars – and use hotter water – a mix of boiling water and steam at above 100°C (rather than 92°–96° of espresso machines), similar to early steam brewing machines.

Moka pots are widely agreed to produce inferior quality brewing to espresso machines, due to brewing at excess heat and insufficient pressure, but are considerably cheaper and more convenient than espresso machines, and the quality of brew is prized and preferred by many over unpressurized brewing.
To read the full definition at Wikipedia - Click Here....

Urzay G Owner of Take The Plunge is viewing assorted Stove top Coffee pots for your convenience. Visit for other Stove Top Coffee Pots available in many countries - However if you're in Australia feel free to browse the website to order fresh roasted coffee - Delivered to you via Australia Post.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Brewing Coffee Methods

Many things depend on how you choose the way of your brewing coffee method. The reasons are that we need to establish how many people we're serving - how strong they or just you want it - the equipment available to you then other things like what time of the day it is - if you have lots or little time. Some have their favourites therefore ensuring they make time as well as having the right equipment for their preferred brewing coffee methods. On occasion, experimenting with a variety of brewing techniques and/or fresh roasted coffee varieties.

We find that across the world there are many different coffee brewing methods - the most common of course and I guess because of the ease and accessibility is:-
Plunger coffee - some may know this as French Coffee Press. This is a simple method all you need is a coffee plunger, fresh water, boiled, and your favourite fresh roasted coffee ground to suit plunger. Easy Peasy - For detailed on this brewing method check out website - Click the link Brewing Coffee

To read the rest of this article go here ----> Coffee Brewing Methods at GoArticles

About - Urzay G is owner of Take Take The Plunge - Writing about "Brewing Coffee" Methods. Click Here - if you're a coffee drinker & would like to have Fresh Roasted Coffee delivered to you - Maybe some Coffee Green Beans OR Fresh Roasted blends -

Friday, February 26, 2010

Gourmet Coffee For The Lactose Intolerant - Skinny Latte & Soy Latte

As the knowledge that soy and low fat products are of importance for some with health issues - in many Australians as well as the Americans, and the English, prompts me to write this quick, short post on skinny latte & soy latte - along with it being suggested by a social media buddy too.

Some of us have problems with lactose intolerance, others just don't like the taste of milk, some people have allergies to dairy - yet we love our coffee so rich and creamy like lattes and cappuccinos - so what can we do about this - well a friend suggested that I write a  post on soy latte - I personally do not like soy milk or soy products although I do like to go vegetarian most of the time - anyway back to the post - well I have my lattes and cappuccinos with skim milk.

The only problem with using soy rather than dairy, whether - whole milk, skim or low fat - is that soy does not get quite foamy enough as the dairy milks do - I read this on another blog post here at Jolinda's Vegetarian Food Blog - Also quoted on Jolinda's blog is that "the secret to getting a nice foamy soy latte is getting the soy milk extra hot before steaming it. Or, apparently, using a specially formulated soy milk!

Out there, there are many products on the market to suggest we can make the perfect soy latte at home just by doing a little internet surfing. As soy latte is becoming more and more popular with the general public, it would be highly unlikely that a soy milk manufacturing company would not jump at the idea of perfecting a soy milk that will froth up to the max - for our favourite coffee beverage - it would be a mistake for those involved in soy manufacture to dismiss the fact that serious soy lovers (or ones who need to consume soy) want that soy latte or soy cappuccino (I don't even know if soy cappuccino has been invented yet, as I was saying I don't particularly like soy).

From my short experience as a Take-Away shop attendant many years ago - I found that skim milk froths well - as long as you follow the rules of temperature - can't remember - was so long ago - any way there are also different brands of skim - low-fat - no-fat milks - that are specifically designed for skinny lattes and skinny cappuccinos. One of my colleagues told me, they use crema milk at a favourite Maryborough QLD Espresso bar - (website in the process of being built at this time - will add link when their site is up and running) This is a creamy minimal fat content milk and add substance to their beverages they serve.

Brief Bio on Urzay G owner of Take Take The Plunge - Writing about "Soy Lattes". Click Here - if you're a coffee drinker & would like to have Fresh Roasted Coffee delivered to you - Maybe some Coffee Green Beans OR Fresh Roasted blends -

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Coffee - Ethiopia

The story begins with a green bean hidden in the red cherry of the coffee tree - some call it magical - some even refer to it as evil. People have tried in past generations to stop this drug.
Over a thousand years ago, deep in the forest, no one really know who and when the exact time of discovery was, however, we do know that it was in Ethiopia.
Coffee still grows wild in the mountains of Ethiopia. A goat herder named Kaldi is a legend that at the end of the day he would call the goats home with his flute, much like the story of the Pied Piper. But one day - the goats did not come. To Kaldi's surprise, he found the goats running this way and that way, wild to find that they had been eating from a tree and believed that this is what must have been maddening his goats. So he decided to try the berries and he felt full of energy and excitement. Supposedly this is how coffee has come to be!
To read the complete story - click here.....

Urzay G is owner of Take Take The Plunge - Writing about "Coffee from Ethiopia".
Click Here - if you're a coffee drinker & would like to have Fresh Roasted Coffee delivered to you - Maybe some Coffee Green Beans from Ethiopia OR Fresh Roasted blends -

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Storing Your Coffee Beans – Should You Freeze Your Coffee?

There are many different suggested ways to store coffee in order to maintain freshness. One of the suggested methods is to put your ground coffee or coffee beans in the freezer. Is storing coffee in the freezer a good way to maintain freshness? Let’s look at the pros and cons.

Freezing has been used for centuries as a way to extend the life of many foods. A diverse selection of foods can be frozen. Bread, meat, fruits, vegetables and even butter can be successfully stored in your freezer. Freezing even maintains many of the vitamins and nutritional value of a wide variety of foods. Coffee, however, isn’t as likely a candidate for storage in the freezer.

Coffee has four main enemies against freshness: air, heat, light and moisture. At first, freezing doesn’t seem to contain many of the offending enemies. However, appearances can be deceiving.

Coffee beans have been roasted in order to enhance flavor. The beans are also porous. Unfortunately a freezer can contain many other foods which have odors. The porous beans can absorb the flavors of many other frozen foods. Flavored coffees can be pleasant, but no one wants to drink seafood or garlic flavored coffee.

Moisture can also be absorbed by the coffee beans. Moisture can cause deterioration and loss of flavor. The more often you take coffee out of the freezer and put it back in, the more moisture absorption takes place into the bean. If you absolutely need to freeze some coffee because you have a large excess you’d like to keep, only freeze it once. The more you take it in and out of the freezer, the more damage you do.

Freezing also breaks down the oils in the coffee beans. The oils contribute to the flavor of the coffee. Breaking down the oils means taking away flavor, and let’s face it, a large part of a good cup of coffee is the flavor.

When it comes down to it, freezing is not the best way to store your coffee. Keep coffee stored in a cool, dry, airtight container away from light. Freezing coffee is possible, and is best if you only freeze it once. The resulting loss of flavor and quality from repetitive freezing makes it a method of storage to stay away from. Your best bet is to purchase only enough beans or ground coffee to supply you for 1-2 weeks. Enjoy the coffee at its freshest!

To find Fresh Roasted Coffee in Australia - AND - Packaged and Delivered to you the freshest possible way Click Here to be directed to Take The Plunge website.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Coffee Style - How Do You Serve Coffee?

So what is your coffee style? - How do you serve coffee?
When you have the right combination of coffee, accompaniments and dessert - it becomes an extra special event.
Serve your guests a cup of coffee with artistic flair -
- Maybe serve a flavoured coffee
- Flavour your coffee with  shott syrups

- Fine pastries - along with - Fresh Roasted Coffee Blends.

- Try using fancy coffee cups

Don't be afraid to try anything - however you want to define your very own coffee style - whether you want to give each person at your dinner party a different cup and saucer set to each person (keep in mind it's best for each person to have a matched set), or maybe you prefer a particular coloured theme - matching cups, saucers, napkins etc nice to have reds if you have a strawberry or cherry dessert, for example.
For a special treat serve the Fresh Roasted Coffee with flavoursome accompaniments, such as - honey - cinnamon sticks - fresh nutmeg ground at the table with a  mini grater - Demerara sugar -

Photo taken from Flickr Elenadan's Photostream
with a fancy sugar bowl and matching creamer - petite coffee spoons - AND - anything else you like to jazz up your finale to your dinner party. Be Creative! Also take note of those who do not or cannot, use sugar for what ever reason - it may be a nice gesture to serve some sort of natural alternative sweetener - all these accompaniments look nice if arranged in sort of fashion on a nice tray.

Don't forget Valentine's Day - Have some Red Foil Chocolate Love Hearts or Red Foil Chocolate Mints

Valentines Day Graphics

Urzay G writes on how you can define yourself with your very own Coffee Style - To get your Coffee Products, Accessories, Shott Syrups visit the website at

Thursday, January 28, 2010

White Chocolate Coffee with Strawberry Whipped Cream

"My friend Cynthia gave me this recipe - She was nice enough to do a guest post for me by making this recipe up with all the pictures for it too - so I could add to my blog. Cynthia and I met online. It is great to meet and connect with people via the net."
"Get more recipes from her blog Cookin' With Cynthia OR Become a fan by joining Cookin' With Cynthia on Face Book"
"Hope you like

White Chocolate Coffee with Strawberry Whipped Cream - Enjoy!"

1 cup milk
2 cup white chocolate chips
1/2 cup strong hot coffee

Whipped Cream:
1 cup whipping cream
1 large strawberry
2 drops of strawberry syrup
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1/2 tsp cream of tartar

For the coffee:
1. On low heat melt milk and white chocolate until completely melted
2. Strain mixture through a fine sift
3. Stir in hot coffee

For the  whipped cream:
1. Chop up strawberry, set a side
2. Beat cream of tartar, whipping cream, and powdered sugar on high speed for 2 minute.
3. Add strawberry and strawberry syrup
4. Beat 3 more minutes

 White Chocolate Coffee with Strawberry Whipped Cream - Yumm!

Urzay G says - For your coffee needs to make any of the Beverages - Coffee Recipes using - Fresh Roasted - Organic - Fair-Trade OR Blended Coffee Beans - visit our website If you're interested in learning more about coffee and it's History keep visiting us here!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Beverages - Coffee Recipes

A lot of us like a hot or even a cold beverage from time to time. And some more than others. Coffee is one of the most favoured beverages of all time - all over the world. I thought it would be nice to share a treat with you for reading my blog - so here you are and you go and enjoy your - Beverages - Coffee Recipes

Cafe Con Miel

2 Cups Prepared coffee
1/2 Cup Milk
4 Tablespoons HONEY, more or less to taste
1/8 Teaspoon Cinnamon
Dash nutmeg or allspice
Dash vanilla

Heat ingredients in a saucepan, but do not boil.
Stir well to combine.
Serve as a light dessert.

Cafe Royale

3/4 Cup Hot Strong Coffee
4 ts Brandy
1 Sugar Cube

Pour coffee into warmed mug.
Float 2 teaspoons brandy on coffee.
Put remaining 2 teaspoons brandy into a tablespoon with sugar cube.
Warm spoon over hot coffee.
With a match, carefully ignite brandy in teaspoon. Slowly lower spoon into coffee to ignite floating
Wait 1 minute after flame has died before drinking.
Cajun Coffee

3 Cups Hot Strong Coffee
6 Tablespoons Molasses
6 Tablespoons Dark Rum (If Desired)
Whipped Cream
Nutmeg (Freshly Ground)

Combine coffee and molasses in a saucepan.
Heat, stirring, until molasses is dissolved and coffee is very hot. Do not allow to boil.
If desired place 1 Tablespoon rum in each mug.
Add coffee.
Top with whipped cream; sprinkle with nutmeg.
Do not stir before drinking.

Urzay G says - For your coffee needs to make any of the Beverages - Coffee Recipes using - Fresh Roasted - Organic - Fair-Trade OR Blended Coffee Beans - visit our website If you're interested in learning more about coffee and it's History - stay tuned - We're adding content all the time.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What's In The Coffee Bean?

Coffee has become a multi-billion dollar industry since the tiny beginnings in Abyssinia in the 16th century AD. Since then it is now grown throughout the world's tropical climates. Within the centre, what are known by as "cherries", are the green beans - these are found in pairs. These ripen to a dark red & hang in clusters from the coffee trees. By removing the outer skin and flesh, a lot of the coffees will actually improve if kept for a number of years - up to 10. The Coffee Bean is not ready for use - till they're roasted. This is what gives the warm, inviting aroma that hits you - like a slap in the face - when you enter a coffee shop or when brewing or extracting coffee at home.
Arabica & Robusta. These two species, out of an enormous 50+ species, is known to be the world's major production species of coffee beans.
What's in the Coffee Bean indigenous to Ethiopia
- Arabica is definitely the most searched after species and is 70% of the world's output.
What's in the Coffee Bean first found in the Congo
- Robusta is a hardy bean and grows at the lower altitudes - even at sea level most of the time.

For more information on What's in The Coffee Bean <-- Go here

Urzay G is owner operator of Take Take The Plunge - And writing about "What's in The Coffee Bean". If you're a coffee drinker and would like to have your Coffee delivered to you - from a choice of Coffee Green Beans - to assorted Fresh Roasted blends - Then Go Here -

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Coffee Art Video

It is always interesting to see people with artistic skills. They say - "With a little imagination - crema on a cup of coffee - you can be as artistic as these guys - create a piece of art.

Coffee Art - Celebrity bloopers here

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Taking the Coffee Bean To The Cup

What is involved in Taking the Coffee Bean to the Cup -  
There is a process that many  aren't aware what is actually involved  in getting the coffee bean to the cup - We start with this quality bean:-

Coffea Arabica is the technical/scientific name for the coffee plant. It's uncanny how the coffee bean grew wild in the mountains of Ethiopia - yet today - it is the richest commodity - next to oil. Now this coffee plant is cultivated in Pacific Island like Java Sumatra to India Arabia Africa Hawaii Mexico and more. This shrub has glossy green leaves - gets to 4.3 to 6.1 meters high - when fully grown - but generally pruned to 3.7 meters - The white flowers of this shrub are self pollinating.

There is another coffee species called Coffea Robusta. Coffea Robusta is a more common bean and the quality is not as great as the Coffea Arabica - This lesser quality bean grows at lower altitudes and has smaller beans than that of the Coffea Arabica.

Actually the fruit from these plants are known as - a berry. As they begin growing the plant is blossoming - ripening the berries from green to yellow to red. On average - a plant produces 0.7 kilos of Fresh Roasted Coffee. Before a coffee plant can bear a full crop - it is usually 6 to 8 years old. To Read More....

Urzay G - Tells of the process of  Taking The Coffee Bean To The Cup "Take The Plunge" is Owned/Operated by Urzay G. Buy your coffee online - a variety of Coffee Bean Blend options. Click Here to order your sampler packs - from the selection of Fresh Roasted Coffee Beans and/or Blend-Grind of your choice.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Maxwell House AND Instant Coffee

Maxwell House Instant Coffee came about - It all started - during the years that followed the Civil War in USA. In 1873 a fellow known by the name of Joel Cheek, carrying his Freedom Dollar, left his home in Kentucky - journeyed by raft on the Cumberland River to Nashville. He found a job as a travelling salesman for a grocery firm. Carrying product samples in his saddlebags, as he rode by horse, included coffee. Joel - never had thoughts to be one of the inventors of Maxwell House Instant Coffee or the likes.

A man of high standards - only wanted to sell products of high quality. Cheek was not at all happy with the quality of the coffee he was supplied by the firm. He began to experiment to perfect a blend of coffee. He roasted samples for years, blending varieties over - till he found the one that completely satisfied him. He then went to the Maxwell House Hotel - Nashville's newest - exclusive hotel - gave his new blend a taste test. Not too long after this, the hotel's customers were commenting positively on the rich flavour - it was the ideal coffee to go with Maxwell House's high quality of cuisine, Maxwell House hotel, in 1892, agreed to lend their name to the new special blend of coffee which they served there.

Cheek, with a new partner started their own grocery business - with the specialty being of course, coffee. From 1901 to 1905, Cheek with his partner Neal, started "Nashville Coffee and Manufacturing Company. From here they started to make Maxwell House Coffee in a specially constructed plant on North Market Street. The name was changed to the Cheek-Neal Coffee Company in 1905 - 2nd plant opened in Houston, Texas.

A slow process Between 1930's till 1942, experiments to invent a completely new type of coffee product - coffee that didn't have to be brewed - an instant coffee.Then - the breakthrough - finally 1942 - Straight away they began shipping the whole lot of the Instant Coffee overseas for Americans at war. After WWII - "Instant Coffee" became available to households.

Click here to Read Full Article - Maxwell House - Instant Coffee

About Coffee

Just a quick overview about coffee.
At the time of coffee's discovery, it was not savoured only by many people around the world, but was also believed to have mystical powers.
The 18th century brought coffee houses - home to political and literal conversation. Sipping coffee also inspired physicians - artists - students - even religious leaders to debate assorted subjects into the early hours of the morning.
Millions of people today enjoy a cup of coffee in a variety of forms.
Urzay G - talks about coffee and is the proud owner of "Take The Plunge" which has a variety of Coffee Bean Blend options. Click Here to order your pack - from the selection of Coffee Green Beans - Fresh Roasted Coffee Beans and/or Blend-Grind of your Choice.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Coffee Types - Do You Want To Learn The "Coffee Lingo"

There are so many variations on the old black drink terms in the Coffee Industry - We need to Learn The "Coffee Lingo".
Have you ever wondered or do you know what Espresso really is? What it is used for & how? How about Caffè Mocha, OR Red Eye?
I'm about to fill you in on the some of the "Coffee Lingo".

Caffè Breve - Espresso - This is made with steamed half/half.
Caffè Freddo - This is a great refresher in the summer - A chilled glass as well as chilled Espresso.
Caffè Ristretto - A concentrate Espresso - with less than normal amount of water.
Cappuccino Chiaro - lighter than normal Cappuccino - less amount of ground beans to get the lighter drink.
Demitasse - French for "half a cup". The word Demitasse - refers to the small cups which Espresso is served in - in Italy. AND an after-dinner coffee traditionally drunk in France.
Espresso Romano
- A little different - I'd never have thought - Traditional Espresso with - a strip of lemon peel added to it.

More Info From a Friend:-
Cafè con Leche -Mexican - This is commonly made with hot milk and instant coffee. It is the popular version of coffee for the general public - is commonly ordered as "Leche Para Cafè" milk for coffee in restaurants. The waiter brings you a cup of hot milk and the instant coffee apart so you can mix it the way you wish.

Go Here To Learn More Coffee Lingo

Urzay G is owner operator of Take Take The Plunge - And writing about "Coffee Lingo". If you're a coffee drinker and would like to have your Coffee delivered to you - from a choice of Coffee Green Beans - to assorted Fresh Roasted blends - Then Go Here -